When Is The Best Time To Consider Revision Bariatric Surgery?

The survival of the human race is now threatened by chronic obesity, especially in the US. Even though there is ample evidence—backed by study, knowledge, and facts—that a sedentary lifestyle is bad for us, the graph for weight gain continues to rise. According to Houston Weight Loss Center’s specialist Dr. Ferrari, many people may eventually find it difficult to maintain even after having had a bariatric procedure in the past. Just a friendly reminder that revision bariatric surgery is always an option if you don’t reach your weight goals after your initial treatment or have digestive problems. Dr. Ferrari advises patients to seek immediate medical attention from a licensed surgeon and to closely monitor the following indications.

Problems with prior lap-band surgery

After a bariatric treatment, major and ongoing digestive problems are uncommon, but if you previously underwent lap band surgery and are experiencing persistent acid reflux or nausea, you should see a bariatric specialist. Studies also indicate that people experiencing such problems may either regain lost weight or fail to reach their goals. It typically occurs when a lap band loosens up or slips out. This is the reason why in these circumstances, a revision operation is typically more than necessary.

Acid Reflux after Sleeve Gastrectomy

A sleeve can result in acid reflux because it is used to make the stomach up to 80% smaller. Patients will likely need a second bariatric surgery if they are unable to lose weight with food and a healthy lifestyle. A sleeve may not always be adjusted properly, in which case a bariatric surgeon may resleeve your stomach to lessen acid reflux or convert the procedure to gastric bypass surgery if he determines that it would be more suitable for you. You will not only have relief from acid reflux following a bypass procedure, but you will also experience more rapid weight loss.

Discard any other factors

It is imperative to realize that bariatric surgery is not intended to help you lose weight permanently; rather, it is intended to be a tool to support the development of a healthy and active lifestyle. Therefore, you must evaluate your physical activity and eating habits if you see that you are not losing weight and you believe it is time to choose a revision operation.

Know Your Options

As a patient, you need to be aware of your alternatives, according to Dr. Ferrari Revision weight-loss procedures can be very beneficial if a bariatric procedure didn’t go well but you are still determined to make healthy adjustments in your life. Talk to us if you have questions about whether you might benefit from revision surgery or if you are concerned about your ongoing health difficulties so that we can come up with a treatment plan that is appropriate for your weight reduction objectives and current health issues. Call us to schedule your free bariatric consultation if you have any questions or doubts Dr. Ferrari.